- John is nice / generous. / John is a good person. (約翰人很好。)
- John is kind. (約翰很親切。)
- John is nice to everyone. (約翰對每個人都很好。)
- John has good manners.
- John is caring / thoughtful. (約翰很為他人著想。)
- John is very understanding. (約翰很能理解他人。)
- John is very positive.
- John is friendly.
- John gets along well with his friends. (約翰跟朋友們相處得很好。)
- John is sincere. (約翰很誠實。)
- John is responsible. (約翰很有責任感。)
- John acts as if he knows everything. (as if 好像) (約翰表現得很像他什麼都知道。)
- John is just showing off. (show off 炫耀) (約翰只是在炫耀。)
- John is bragging all the time. (brag 吹牛,自誇) (約翰總是在吹牛。)
- John likes to stand out. (stand out 引人注目) (約翰喜歡引人注目。)
- John is greedy. (約翰很貪心。)
- John is ill-mannered. (約翰很沒有禮貌。)
- John uses bad words. (約翰講髒話。)
- John is arrogant. (arrogant 自大的) (約翰很自大。)
- John bullies others. / John picks on other. (約翰霸齡其他人。)
- John blames others for his own faults. (blame歸咎於) (約翰把自己的錯推給別人。)
- John is a copycat. (約翰只會模仿別人)
- My brother is very shy.
- My brother is a bit introverted. (introverted 內向)
- My brother is reserved. (reserved 寡言的)
- My sister is kind of quiet. (kind of 有點)
- My sister is gentle and quiet. (我妹妹溫和安靜。)
- My sister is a bit blunt. (我妹妹有點遲鈍。)
- My sister doesn't like to stand out. (我妹妹不喜歡引人注目。)
- It's embarrassing. (embarrassing 難為情)
- Be more confident. (confident 有自信)
- Don't hide behind my back.
- Don't whisper. (whisper 耳語) (不要竊竊私語。)
- Say it louder.
- You need to say what you want clearly. (你必須把你想要的東西清楚說出來。)
- You need to say "Hi" to adults clearly. (你應該好好地跟大人們打招呼。)
Ch16-04 Outgoing / active
- My brother is really active. (active 活潑)
- My brother is really sociable. (sociable 擅長交際的)
- My brother is an outgoing person. (outgoing 外向的)
- My brother is very active in everything.
- My brother does everything with confidence.
- My brother always leads others. / My brother is a good leader.
- I want to be active like my sister.
- My sister is not afraid to speak her mind.
- Tom is popular among his friends.
- Tom talks a lot. / Tom is very talkative. (talkative 多話)
- Tom is a very eloquent person. (eloquent 有表達能力的)
- John is very calm. / John is careful. (約翰很謹慎。)
- John is clam. / John is not hasty. (約翰很鎮定)
- John is very patient.
- John is such an easygoing person. / John has a laid-back nature. (laid-back 悠閒 nature 天性,性質)
- John is slow in everything.
- John is impatient. / John is hasty. (約翰性格急躁。)
- John is hot-tempered. / John is short-tempered. (約翰很容易生氣。)
- John is kind of sensitive. (kind of 有點) (約翰有些敏感。)
- John is easily distracted. (約翰很容易注意力不集中。)
- John is stubborn. (stubborn 頑固)
- John is as stubborn as a mule,
- John is out of control if he does not get his way. (out of control 失去控制) (get his way 按照他的意思) (如果事情沒有正著約翰的意思,他就會失去控制。)
- John wants everything to go his own way. (約翰希望事情都要順著自己的意思。)
- John always follows the rules.
- John is not flexible in his way of thinking. / John does not easily change the way he thinks. (flexible 有變通的,有彈性的) (約翰的思考模式沒有彈性。)
- John gets strongly obsessed by some things. (obsessed 著迷的,執著的) (約翰對某些事情超級著迷。)
- Stop being so stubborn. (不要那麼不聽話)
- Don't be too stubborn. (不要太倔強。)
- I wonder who you're like by being so stubborn. (你到底像誰才會這麼倔強?)
- John is not very active in everything.
- John is somewhat wishy washy. (wishy washy 優柔寡斷的) (約翰有點優柔寡斷。)
- John can't decide anything. / John is indecisive. (indecisive 優柔寡斷)
- John is very weak-minded. (約翰的意志很不堅定。)
- John is likely to do as he is told by oyhers. / John is easily led by others. (約翰很容易被他人主導。)
Addition - Character Expression
- active 活耀的,積極的,活潑的(←→passive 被動的)
- aggressive 進取的
- arrogant 傲慢的,自大的,自負的
- bad-tempered 易怒的,惡劣的
- blunt 遲鈍的
- brave (←→cowardly 膽小的)
- bossy 愛指揮他人
- brutal 殘酷的,惡毒的
- calm 鎮定的,冷靜的
- careless 草率的,不細心的
- clever 聰明的,伶俐的,有才能的
- cold-blooded 冷酷的,冷血的 (←→ warn-hearted 窩心的,熱心的)
- competitive 競爭慾強烈的
- conservative 保守的 (←→liberal)
- considerate 深思熟慮的,關懷的 (= thoughtful)
- couragous 有勇氣的 (= brave)
- creative 創造性的,有創意的
- critical 批評的,刁難的
- cruel 殘忍的
- cunning 狡猾的
- diligent 勤勞的,勤奮的,盡心的 (= industrious)
- dishonest 不誠實的 (←→ honest)
- disorganized 沒有規劃,沒有組織 (= organized: 有系統的)
- easygoing 隨和的,懶的,悠閒的 (= lazy)
- foolish 笨的,跟傻瓜一樣的
- frank 真誠的,坦白的
- funny
- generous 寬大的,寬厚的,慷慨的
- good-natured 溫和的,溫順的
- gentle 文雅的,溫和的
- greedy 貪心的,欲望很多的
- hardworking 情勞的
- honest 正直的,誠實的 (←→ dishonest) (honour 榮耀的)
- humane 有人情味的,仁慈的
- humorous 幽默的
- impatient 不耐煩的 (←→ patient 有耐心的)
- impolite 無理的,粗魯的 (←→ polite)
- imprudent 魯莽的 (←→ prudent)
- jealous 忌妒的,猜忌的
- kind 親切的,和藹的 (←→ unkind)
- lazy 懶惰的,慵懶的
- modest 謙虛的,審慎的,端莊的
- moody 情緒化的 (= capricious 任性的)
- naughty 無禮的,頑皮的,淘氣的
- negligent 隨便的,粗心的
- notorious 惡名昭彰的
- outgoing 外向的,善交際的 (= sociable)
- polite 恭敬的,客氣的,有禮貌的
- practical 實際的,踏實的
- liberal 進步的 (←→ conservative)
- prudent 慎重的
- punctual 尊守時間的
- reliable 可信賴的 (= dependable, trustworthy)
- reserved 寡言的,含蓄的
- right 正確的,準確的,公正的
- rude 無禮的,低俗的 (= impolite)
- ruthless (無情的,殘忍的)
- selfish 自私的
- sensible 明智的,懂情理的
- shy 羞怯的
- silly 愚蠢的
- simple 單純的
- sincere 真誠的(←→ insincere 不真誠的)
- sociable 善交際的(←→ unsociable 不善交際的)
- stingy (特別指錢) 小氣的
- strict 嚴格的
- stubborn 頑固的,固執的,倔強的
- stupid 愚笨的,笨的
- sweet 逗人喜愛的
- sympathetic 富有同情心的
- talneted 有能力的(= able)
- talkative 健談的
- thoughtful 深思熟慮的,有同理心的
- thoughtless 欠考慮的,不顧他人的
- timid 膽小的,沒有勇氣的
- ungrateful 不知感恩的,忘恩負義的 (←→ grateful 感恩的)
- unkind 苛薄的,不親切的 (←→ kind)
- warm-blooded 熱情的 (= ardent 熱心)
- warm-hearted 有同情心的,熱心的(←→ cold-blooded冷血的)
- wise 賢明的,有智慧的